If you still have to redline stuff, and don't want to use sketch measure, these symbols I've been using may come in handy. The labels expand automatically. Its pretty hacky, but it works. Contains both area measurement and width/height measurement. Download Resource 17476 views • 2590 downloads Categories: ui mobileTag: ios This Redline Helper Symbols was designed by Pete Lada - Dribbble - Twitter - Website - Source page If you like this free resource, share it: Twitter Facebook Pin it Add/Load Comments Add Redline Helper Symbols to my collection Featured Premium Resources Wireframe & Design Starter Kit Design Kit for Responsive Websites iOS and Android Design Kit Web Apps Kit & Dashboards You may also like... Google Pixel NavbarLotus Meditation UI KitMusic Player Concept AppPenman - Upcoming Speech Notes App UI More resources by Pete Lada Label Symbol with Dynamic Background Great premium resources to improve your creative workflow Reuse - Web Apps UI Kit Frames - Design Kit for Websites Root - Wireframe & Design Starter Kit Plaster - iOS & Android Design Kit Slice - Modular Design System Reuse Mobile - iOS & Android Design Kit
If you still have to redline stuff, and don't want to use sketch measure, these symbols I've been using may come in handy. The labels expand automatically. Its pretty hacky, but it works. Contains both area measurement and width/height measurement.